Glossary: CPU - the Central Processing Unit, or processor, on which the computer is based. Expanded memory - additional memory, located beyond 640K, that follows the LIM (Lotus/Intel/Microsoft) specification. Windows requires that exPanded memory confirm to the LIM 4.0 version of the specification. Extended memory - additional memory, typically located beyond 1024K (1 megabyte), that follows the Microsoft XMS (eXtended Memory Specification) requirements. Extended memory is preferred, by Windows 3.0, over exPanded memory. If the additional memory in the computer can be configured as either exTended or exPanded, choose exTended. :PHYSSIZE Don't Know: WP/DTP Dominance Word processing, Desktop Publishing and other printing intensive applications, designed for use with Windows, can be Windows 3.0 Configuration Guide Thank you for registering your copy/copies of this software. Kindly fill in the needed information on this and the page below, and return with your Registration fee to the most convenient address shown. About you: Name: ________________________________________ Company: ________________________________________ Street: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ City: _________________________ State: _________ ZIP Code: _________________ Phone: (____) __________ Comments: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ :PHYSSIZE UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW Return to: in U..S.A. Donald G. Roy P.O. Box 373 Richford, Vermont 05476 in Canada: Donald. G. Roy P.O. Box 95 Streetsville, Ontario L5M 2B7 Registration Form:on Notest "PrintReportFormat" buttonUp buttonUp PrintReportFormat tondown display display_button Continue Application Usage: Will the computer be used predominantly with one Windows application at a time, or will more than one Windows application need to be running? 4WinAppUse buttonUp buttonUp WinAppUse Mostly One Application 4WinAppUse buttonUp buttonUp WinAppUse 2 or More Applications 4WinAppUse unknown buttonUp buttonUp unknown WinAppUse Not Sure "The Windows usage can impact the recommended EMS operating mode." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown The pattern of Windows application usage can impact the recommended EMS operating mode. display display display_button display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick The pattern of Windows application usage can impact the recommended EMS operating mode. and rate fields..ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue Glossary: Extended memory - another type of memory beyond the 640K limit of DOS. Only available on 80286 or higher CPU's. This is the memory that is managed by HIMEM.SYS, and is used in Windows' Standard and 386 Enhanced modes. high memory area - the first 64K area of extended memory. The High Memory Area is unique because code can be executed in it while the CPU is in real mode. Additional extended memory can only be used to store data in real mode. HIMEM.SYS - HIMEM.SYS is an installable device driver which conforms to the XMS (eXtended Memory Specification) Version 2.0. It allows MS-DOS programs on 80286 and 80386 systems with extended memory to access the extended memory using a standard, machine independent manner. buttonup buttonup wire o with tabs PrintReportFormat $bVaR Don't Know: Application Use Conclusion: Use 386 Enhanced Mode The configuration that you have described will work best under the "386 Enhanced" operating mode of Windows 3.0. You should make sure that the line "device=HIMEM.SYS" appears in your CONFIG.SYS file. It is recommended that you consider using the SMARTDRV disk caching program. Make sure that the line "device=SMARTDRV.SYS 1024 256" appears in your CONFIG.SYS file. SMARTDRV 1024 256 :PHYSSIZE "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs "To multitask DOS applications, you must use 386 Enhanced mode. HIMEM required operate +The SMARTDRV will enhanced the performance disk-intensive operations." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown To multitask DOS applications, you must use 386 Enhanced mode. HIMEM is required to operate in 386 Enhanced mode. The use of SMARTDRV will enhanced the performance of disk-intensive operations. display display display_button display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick To multitask DOS applications, you must use 386 Enhanced mode. HIMEM is required to operate in 386 Enhanced mode. The use of SMARTDRV will enhanced the performance of disk-intensive operations. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue "PrintReportFormat" buttonUp buttonUp PrintReportFormat Print 4OpMode, CfgLine1, CfgLine2, NeedMulti "386 Enhanced mode" "device=himem.sys" smartdrv. 1024 256" "available" enterpage enterpage 386 Enhanced mode device=himem.sys device=smartdrv.sys 1024 256 available OpMode CfgLine1 CfgLine2 NeedMulti buttonUp buttonUp Probability Assessment for CPU Guessing: (cont'd) In addition, when two or more responses favor one CPU over the other, the probability is increased over that calculated simply from the Factor Weights. This mimics expert human behavior in estimating the answer to such a question. We often consider both the number of supporting factors, in addition to their importance in supporting the conclusion. No combination of answers to the five questions can result in a 100% probable (ie: exactly correct) answer. since we have asked the system to "guess" at the type of installed CPU. buttonUp buttonUp Return... Glossary: 386 Enhanced mode - the highest operating mode available in Windows 3.0. Allows use of more memory than is physically installed in the computer, and provides multi-tasking capability for DOS applications. AUTOEXEC.BAT - a special file used by DOS, when starting up the computer, to automatically run (execute) one or more DOS commands just before the DOS prompt appears. CONFIG.SYS - a special file used by DOS, when starting up the computer, to adjust system parameters and load any needed device drivers. conventional memory - the first 640K of physical memory that DOS uses to run programs in. CPU - the Central Processing Unit, or processor, on which the computer is based. Expanded memory - a type of memory beyond the 640K limit of DOS. Used by Windows in Real mode only. In this mode, it may be used by certain Windows and DOS applications to store data, allowing larger data files to be created. mory that is managed by HIMEM.SYS, and is used in Windows' Standard and 386 Enhanced modes.XMS (eXtended Memory Specification) requirements. Extended memory is preferred, by Windows 3.0, over exPanded memory. If the additional memory in the computer can be configured as either exTended or exPanded, choose exTended. buttonup buttonup About this Book: Copyright 1990 by Donald G. Roy Windows 3.0 Configuration Guide Version 1.0 August, 1990 While providing useful information about optimal configurations for Microsoft Windows, this book is also intended to demonstrate the use of Asymetrix ToolBook to simulate small "Expert Systems". Is this an "Expert" System? According to Buchanan and Smith, in Volume IV of The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence (pp. 149 - 192), there are five "desiderata" which, if answered in the affirmative, define an Expert System. 1) The system reasons with domain-specific knowledge. 2) The system uses both heuristic and algorithmic decision criteria. 3) The system outperforms "novices" in the specific domain. 4) The system explains what it knows and the reasons for its answers. 5) The system retains flexibilty.......................................................... buttonUp buttonUp :PHYSSIZE UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW 4) The Decision Guide provides "Why?" buttons throughout, allowing the user to ask for the reasons why a particular question is being asked, or why a particular answer is provided. At certain stages, an "Explain further" button is also available, which will display the operational logic behind a particular process. 5) This last point is the fly in the ointment. The intent of an Expert System's ability to be "flexible" implies that the program's data store and decision rules can be modified without reprogramming the system. That is to say, that the program's behavior is not hard-coded. The behavior of this implementation of Decision Guide, however, is hard-coded, so we must concede the point. What is it then? With the exception of the CPU guessing segment of the program, the Guide is an implementation of a decision tree. This mimics the approach of a data-driven, forward-chaining expert system. The approach queries the user for sufficient information to arrive at a decision. The response at any given point determines the subsequent questions to be asked. buttonUp buttonUp :PHYSSIZE Don't Know: Multitasking Needs There is a not-so-subtle difference between between being able to run DOS programs (even more than one) under Windows, and being able to multi-task DOS programs. Multi-tasking means that you can have multiple DOS programs all doing things simultaneously. For example, a database may be sorting a file, while a spreadsheet is being recalculated. This can only be accomplished in 386 Enhanced mode. In Windows Standard mode, you can access several DOS programs, but they will only be operational when in the foreground. The consequence of choosing to retain multi-tasking ability is that Windows applications will run somewhat more slowly under 386 Enhanced mode. buttonUp buttonUp r model, or use a hard disk speed rating program. Type of CPU: How old is the computer, in months? Don't Know display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick The age of the computer might give a clue as to the type of installed CPU..PU.tact time and rate fields..ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button "The age the computer might give a clue type installed CPU." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown The age of the computer might give a clue as to the type of installed CPU. display display display_button 12 - 24 24 - 36 :PHYSSIZE 4UnitAge unknown age" buttonUp buttonUp of unknown age UnitAge XTprob ATprob UnitAge 4CalcDone enterpage enterpage CalcDone 4XTprob, ATprob, UnitAge - .05 + .05 "two three years old" buttonUp buttonUp two to three years old XTprob ATprob UnitAge 4XTprob, ATprob, UnitAge - .15 + .15 "less than a year old" buttonUp buttonUp 333333 333333 less than a year old XTprob ATprob UnitAge 4XTprob, ATprob, UnitAge - .05 + .05 "one two years old" buttonUp buttonUp one to two years old XTprob ATprob UnitAge 4XTprob, ATprob, UnitAge + .1 - .1 "more than three years old" buttonUp buttonUp more than three years old XTprob ATprob UnitAge The opposite approach is goal-driven, backward-chaining system. This kind of expert system presumes that a particular conclusion is correct and queries the user for the information needed to confirm the decision. When a particular response does not support the initial goal, the system selects another that is supported by the information already given, and proceeds to obtain any remaining data needed to confirm that conclusion. The CPU guessing segment is a probabilistic assessment of the type of CPU, based on a number of factors. An overview of the operational logic is available by clicking on the "Explain further" button which appears after pressing "Why?", at the conclusion of the segment. Coming next... Look for "A Guide to Windows 3.0 Error Messages", the next ToolBook application under construction. Estimated release date: September, 1990.(but you know how these things go). buttonUp buttonUp < 1 meg < 2 meg 2 meg or more Not Sure Expanded Memory: How much exPanded memory is installed in the computer? :PHYSSIZE display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick The presence of exPanded memory determines if an EMS mode will be available.U.tact time and rate fields..ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue "The presence exPanded memory determines EMS mode will be available." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown The presence of exPanded memory determines if an EMS mode will be available. display display display_button 82LY$ 4ExpMemAmount "1Mb less" buttonUp buttonUp 1Mb or less ExpMemAmount 4ExpMemAmount "1 - 2 Mb" buttonUp buttonUp 1 - 2 Mb ExpMemAmount 4ExpMemAmount buttonUp buttonUp ExpMemAmount 4ExpMemAmount "2Mb more" buttonUp buttonUp 2Mb or more ExpMemAmount 4ExpMemAmount unknown buttonUp buttonUp unknown ExpMemAmount buttonUp buttonUp 4OpMode, CfgLine1, CfgLine2 "Standard mode" "device=himem.sys" smartdrv. 1024 256" enterpage enterpage Standard mode device=himem.sys device=smartdrv.sys 1024 256 OpMode CfgLine1 CfgLine2 Conclusion: Use Standard Mode The configuration that you have described will work best under the "Standard" operating mode of Windows 3.0. You should make sure that the line "device=HIMEM.SYS" appears in your CONFIG.SYS file. It is recommended that you consider using the SMARTDRV disk caching program. Make sure that the line "device=SMARTDRV.SYS 1024 256" appears in your CONFIG.SYS file. M.SYS SMARTDRV 1024 256 :PHYSSIZE "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs "You have sufficient memory Windows Standard mode. HIMEM required operate 'The SMARTDRV disk cache will enhance the speed Windowsin your environment." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown You have sufficient memory to run Windows in Standard mode. HIMEM is required to operate in Standard mode. The SMARTDRV disk cache will enhance the speed of Windowsin your environment. display display display_button display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick You have sufficient memory to run Windows in Standard mode. HIMEM is required to operate in Standard mode. Without the SMARTDRV disk cache, you may find the speed of Windows unacceptable. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue "PrintReportFormat" buttonUp buttonUp PrintReportFormat Print buttonUp buttonUp :leavebook About Bookshelf send sizetopage bookshlf.tbk sysWindowHandle toolbook bookshlf.tbk bringwindowtotop bookshlf.tbk bookshlf.tbk bookmark bookshlf.tbk The Bookshelf was not found. Please copy bookshlf.tbk to your current working directory. ToolBook Multitasking: Do you need to have more than one DOS application working in the background, at the same time? This is dirrerent from being to switch between more than one. Answering Yes here, means that you need the ability for several DOS programs to be executing continuously while you have another program in the foreground. Answering No here means that you can still have DOS programs available in the background and be able to switch between them. buttonUp buttonUp Not Sure 4NeedMulti, ExtMemAmount = "1024 - 2047K" buttonUp buttonUp 1024 - 2047K NeedMulti ExtMemAmount :PHYSSIZE display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick True multitasking of DOS applications can only be accomplished in 386 Enhanced mode. me and rate fields..ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue "True multitasking DOS applications can only be accomplished 386 Enhanced mode. " \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown True multitasking of DOS applications can only be accomplished in 386 Enhanced mode. display display display_button 4NeedMulti unknown buttonUp buttonUp unknown NeedMulti 4NeedMulti, ExtMemAmount = "1024 - 2047K" buttonUp buttonUp 1024 - 2047K NeedMulti ExtMemAmount buttondown display display_button Continue "The performance rating the hard drive can affect decision about (best use limited memory." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown The performance rating of the hard drive can affect the decision about the best use of limited memory. display display display_button 4HardDiskSpeed unknown buttonUp buttonUp unknown HardDiskSpeed 4HardDiskSpeed, ExtMemAmount "<30 ms" = 384 buttonUp buttonUp <30 ms HardDiskSpeed ExtMemAmount Type of CPU: Does the case of the computer look much like one of these? 4TypeofCase unknown buttonUp buttonUp unknown TypeofCase Neither "The type Mused may provide a hint the kind CPU installed." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown The type of case used may provide a hint as to the kind of CPU installed. display display display_button 4TypeofCase unknown buttonUp buttonUp unknown TypeofCase Don't Know :PHYSSIZE UUUUUUUUUUUUUW UUUUUUUUUUUUUW UUUUUUUUUUUUUW UUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUO UUUUUUUUO UUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUO UUUUUUUUO wwwwwwwwwwwww 7wwwwwwwwww 4XTprob, ATprob, TypeofCase, XTfactor, ATfactor 1 - .1 6 + .1 / - 1 1 + 1 "AT " buttonUp buttonUp XTprob ATprob TypeofCase XTfactor ATfactor This one 4XTprob, ATprob, TypeofCase, XTfactor, ATfactor I + .1 N - .1 "XT " buttonUp buttonUp XTprob ATprob TypeofCase XTfactor ATfactor This one display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick The type of case used may provide a hint as to the kind of CPU installed.s.PU.tact time and rate fields..ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button 4CalcDone enterpage enterpage CalcDone :PHYSSIZE Don't Know: WP/DTP Dominance Some computers that are set up to run Windows 3.0 will be used primarily for Windows-based Word Processing or Desktop Publishing applications, such as Word for Windows or Aldus Pagemaker. In most instances, there will be a lot of printing done from this computer. If this is the case, answer Yes. In other instances, a wide range of Windows and DOS applications may be in use. If character-based word processing is dominant, such as WordPerfect, you should answer No. buttonup buttonup HYSSIZE Don't Know: Type of CPU To determine the type of CPU installed in your computer, you can use any one of a number of commercial, shareware or public domain utility programs. Among the commercial products, if you have either the Norton Utilities or PC-Tools, these can be used to determine the type of CPU installed. If you prefer, we can pose a few questions that may allow a reasonable guess to be made about your computer's CPU... buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp ATprob XTprob Guess... "The Configuration Guide cannot dwithout information about the CPU." \ f"OK" buttondown buttondown The Configuration Guide cannot continue without information about the CPU. Don't Guess display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick The Configuration Guide cannot continue without information about the CPU.U.U.tact time and rate fields..ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" "wire o ftabs" buttondown buttonUp buttondown display display_button buttonUp wire o with tabs :PHYSSIZE Registration Information: If you find this Windows 3.0 Configuration Guide useful or continue to keep it beyond an initial evaluation period of seven (7) days, you are requested to register your copy. The registration fee is $10.00, which can be paid by money order, certified cheque or VISA. Upon registration, you will receive additional, detailed documentation about the logic and decision trees that guide the program, as well as the passwords needed to access Author level with the full version of Asymetrix ToolBook. You can print the Registration Form now, by clicking on the Print button.. buttonup buttonup Return :PHYSSIZE UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW Print Registration "Make sure your printer ready. Press OK now, Cancel stop."\ f"OK" Set PrinterStyle Margins 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440 4Gutters 360, 360 HBorders VArrangement Start Spooler buttonUp buttonUp Make sure your printer is ready. Press OK to print now, or Cancel to stop. Cancel :PHYSSIZE Don't Know: Multitasking Needs (cont'd) The most suitable arrangement depends on the mix of applications being used on the particular computer. If the use of Windows applications is important and having the ability to run a few DOS programs is a convenience, then you do not need 386 Enhanced mode. If the ability to do true multi-tasking with DOS programs is highly necessary, then you must use 386 Enhanced mode to do this... buttonUp buttonUp Return buttonup buttonup Don't Know: WP/DTP Dominance Some computers that are set up to run Windows 3.0 will be used primarily for Windows-based Word Processing or Desktop Publishing applications, such as Word for Windows or Aldus Pagemaker. In most instances, there will be a lot of printing done from this computer. If this is the case, answer Yes. In other instances, a wide range of Windows and DOS applications may be in use. In these cases, or if character-based word processing is dominant, such as WordPerfect, you should answer No. :PHYSSIZE buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup Return B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue " A reliable configuration cannot be recommended without knowing the installed amount Extended memory.." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown A reliable configuration cannot be recommended without knowing the installed amount of Extended memory.. display display display_button Probability Assessment for CPU Guessing: There are five questions used to guess the type of CPU in the computer. These deal with: 1) Presence of Extended memory; 2) Presence of a high density diskette drive; 3) The type of case for the computer; 4) The number of function keys on the keyboard, and; 5) The age of the computer. Each can be answered with a predetermined response, or a "Don't Know" answer. At the beginning of the questions, the probability of the CPU being either type (an 8088/8086 or a 286 & higher) is 50/50. of the five factors adjust the probability balance according to predefined "Factor Weights", as particular responses (except for Don't Know) will tend to suggest one CPU type or another. The exception here is answering "Yes" to the presence of Extended memory, since this automatically implies that an 80286 or higher (80386, 80486) CPU is present. The result of answering Yes here is a 99/1 probability balance, favoring an AT. The 1% is reserved for the chance that the user has replied improperly, either through not understanding the question, or by not knowing the answer correctly. In addition, when two or more responses favor one CPU over the other, the probability is increased over that calculated simply from the Factor Weights. This mimics expert human behavior in estimating the answer to such a question. We often consider both the number of supporting factors, in addition to their importance in supporting the conclusion. No combination of answers to the five questions can result in a 100% probable answer, since the user has already admitted that they do not know the answer themselves and has asked the system to "guess" at an answer. buttonUp buttonUp more... :PHYSSIZE "Standard" operating mode of Windows 3.0. HIMEM.SYS SMARTDRV 320 "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs You have sufficient memory to run Windows in Standard mode. HIMEM is required to operate in Standard mode. Without the SMARTDRV disk cache, you may find the speed of Windows unacceptable. display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick Print ntains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue Conclusion: Use Standard Mode The configuration that you have described will work best under the "Standard" operating mode of Windows 3.0. You should make sure that the line "device=HIMEM.SYS" appears in your CONFIG.SYS file. It is recommended that you consider using the SMARTDRV disk caching program. Make sure that the line "device=SMARTDRV.SYS 320" appears in your CONFIG.SYS file. Do not use a second parameter on this command line to restrict the minimum size of the cache. "You have sufficient memory Windows Standard mode. HIMEM required operate 'Without the SMARTDRV disk cache, you may find #speed junacceptable. " \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown You have sufficient memory to run Windows in Standard mode. HIMEM is required to operate in Standard mode. Without the SMARTDRV disk cache, you may find the speed of Windows unacceptable. display display display_button "PrintReportFormat" buttonUp buttonUp PrintReportFormat 4OpMode, CfgLine1, CfgLine2 "Standard mode" "device=himem.sys" smartdrv. 320" enterpage enterpage Standard mode device=himem.sys device=smartdrv.sys 320 OpMode CfgLine1 CfgLine2 buttonUp buttonUp 4XTprob, ATprob, XTfactor, ATfactor, CalcDone enterpage enterpage XTprob ATprob XTfactor ATfactor CalcDone Type of CPU: Is there any Extended memory installed in the computer? 4CPUtype 4XTprob, ATprob, EXTmempresent "80286" buttonUp buttonUp 80286 XTprob ATprob EXTmempresent CPUtype 4XTprob, ATprob, EXTmempresent, ExtMemAmount absent "<256K" buttonUp buttonUp <256K absent XTprob ATprob EXTmempresent ExtMemAmount "The presence Extended memory characteristic 80286 higher CPU's." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown The presence of Extended memory is characteristic of 80286 or higher CPU's. display display display_button 4EXTmempresent, ExtMemAmount unknown buttonUp buttonUp unknown EXTmempresent ExtMemAmount Don't Know :PHYSSIZE display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick The presence of Extended memory is characteristic of 80286 or higher CPU's.U's. While not exclusive to these, it is a good indicator of their presence. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button :PRINTLAYOUT `D|D| lvetica `D|D| System `D|D| cDQuGO tFwsxEuq send sizetopage bookshlf.tbk sysWindowHandle toolbook bookshlf.tbk bringwindowtotop bookshlf.tbk bookshlf.tbk bookmark bookshlf.tbk The Bookshelf was not found. Please copy bookshlf.tbk to your current working directory. ToolBook System `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| Windows 3.0 Configuration Guide u`D|D| 4warning "Warning: Editing scripts altering }may disable render inaccurate." \ f"Continue" "Cancel" "Reader" c"Text" e"Save" As..." e"Import..." e"Export..." e"Print Pages..." Report..." e"About ToolBook..." e"Back" e"Last" e"Next" e"Previous" e"History..." e"New e"Search..." e"Topics..." e"Shortcut Keys..." e"How To use Help..." e"Register" e"Icons" ..." X"user" bringWindowToTop( "Make sure your printer ready. Press OK now, stop."\ f"OK" Set PrinterStyle Margins 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440 4Gutters 360, 360 HBorders VArrangement Start Spooler Register reader Print enterbook Icons leavebook author About reader author Warning: Editing scripts or altering objects may disable this book, or render it inaccurate. Continue Cancel Cancel warning enterbook sizetopage Warning: Editing scripts or altering objects may disable this book, or render it inaccurate. Continue Reader continue Save As... Import... Export... Print Pages... Print Report... About ToolBook... Previous History... New Page Search... Topics... Shortcut Keys... How To use Help... Register Print Icons About... bringWindowToTop warning Register Print Make sure your printer is ready. Press OK to print now, or Cancel to stop. Cancel Icons leavebook About Print Make sure your printer is ready. Press OK to print now, or Cancel to stop. Cancel Icons leavebook About Bookshelf send sizetopage bookshlf.tbk sysWindowHandle toolbook bookshlf.tbk bringwindowtotop bookshlf.tbk bookshlf.tbk bookmark bookshlf.tbk The Bookshelf was not found. Please copy bookshlf.tbk to your current working directory. ToolBook it all to extended, unless you have an 80286 CPU and are running DOS programs that require expanded memory. Extended Memory If you have less than 2 Mb of total memory (ie: 640K conventional plus 1408K extended), consider upgrading your machine. The increase in performance is worth it. e: if you already have a drive d: B"display_button" buttondown buttondown Memory allocation can be fine tuned for workstations that are heavy printer users. display display display_button CPU Type: What type of CPU does the computer have? 4CPUtype "8088/6" buttonUp buttonUp 8088/6 CPUtype 8088/6 4CPUtype "80286" buttonUp buttonUp 80286 CPUtype 80286 4CPUtype "80386SX" buttonup buttonup 80386SX CPUtype 80386SX 4CPUtype "80386+" buttonup buttonup 80386+ CPUtype 80386/486 buttonUp buttonUp Not Sure "Windows uses different operating modes according the type installed CPU." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown Windows uses different operating modes according to the type of installed CPU. display display display_button buttonUp buttonUp :PHYSSIZE display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick Windows uses different operating modes according to the type of installed CPU.tact time and rate fields..ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue :PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs "PrintReportFormat" buttonUp buttonUp PrintReportFormat Print display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick ode..ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue Conclusion: Use Standard Mode The configuration that you have described will work best under the "Standard" operating mode of Windows 3.0. Make sure that "device=HIMEM.SYS" appears in your CONFIG.SYS file. It is recommended that you use the SMARTDRV disk caching program. Place the line "device=SMARTDRV.SYS 1024 256" in your CONFIG.SYS file. As well, you should use the RAM drive facility. Place the line "device= RAMDRIVE.SYS 1024 /E" in your CONFIG.SYS file, and "set temp=d: " in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, where d: is the letter assigned to the RAM drive. "HIMEM required operate Standard mode. Devoting 1024K memory SMARTDRV will enhance the speed disk intensive operations. The use a RAM drive Eprinting your WP/DTP programs." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown HIMEM is required to operate in Standard mode. Devoting 1024K of memory to SMARTDRV will enhance the speed of disk intensive operations. The use of a RAM drive will enhance printing speed for your WP/DTP programs. display display display_button HIMEM is required to operate in Standard mode. Devoting 1024K of memory to SMARTDRV will enhance the speed of disk intensive operations. The use of a RAM drive will enhance printing speed for your WP/DTP programs. 4OpMode, CfgLine1, CfgLine2, CfgLine3, AutoLine1 "Standard mode" "device=himem.sys" smartdrv. 320" .ramdrive. , 1024 /E" temp = d:" enterpage enterpage Standard mode device=himem.sys device=smartdrv.sys 320 device=ramdrive.sys 1024 /E set temp = d: OpMode CfgLine1 CfgLine2 CfgLine3 AutoLine1 buttonUp buttonUp Help: Icons Since the Configuration Guide is designed to take you through the process without requesting unneeded information, all navigation functions are preprogrammed. All icons that are used appear in the "Tabs" at the bottom of the book. These are: The "Home" icon - cancels the current inquiry and returns you to the first page of this book. or are equivalent. They return you to the previous page, or the one which initiated the current series of pages.e equivalentsta buttonup buttonup Return buttonup buttonup his book and return to the ToolBook Bookshelf. or are equivalentsta buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick The presence of Extended memory is characteristic of 80286 or higher CPU's.U's. While not exclusive to these, it is a good indicator of their presence. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Type of CPU: Does the computer use either 1.2 megabyte capacity 5 " or 1.44 megabyte capacity 3 " diskettes? "The use high density disk drives characteristic 80286 higher CPU's. While xexclusive these, a good indicator their presence." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown The use of high density disk drives is characteristic of 80286 or higher CPU's. While not exclusive to these, it is a good indicator of their presence. display display display_button buttonUp buttonUp Don't Know display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick The use of high density disk drives is characteristic of 80286 or higher CPU's. While not exclusive to these, it is a good indicator of their presence. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button 4XTprob, ATprob, HidensDiskette, XTfactor, ATfactor 5 - .1 : + .1 present < - 1 > + 1 buttonUp buttonUp present XTprob ATprob HidensDiskette XTfactor ATfactor 4XTprob, ATprob, HidensDiskette, XTfactor, ATfactor 5 + .1 : - .1 absent ; + 1 = - 1 buttonUp buttonUp absent XTprob ATprob HidensDiskette XTfactor ATfactor wwwwwv wwswwv wswwv wvpswv :PHYSSIZE 4HidensDiskette unknown buttonUp buttonUp unknown HidensDiskette 4CalcDone enterpage enterpage CalcDone tondown display display_button Probability Assessment for CPU Guessing: (cont'd) Each of the five factors adjust the probability balance according to predefined "Factor Weights", as particular responses (except for Don't Know) will tend to suggest one CPU type or another. The exception here is answering "Yes" to the presence of Extended memory, since this automatically implies that an 80286 or higher (80386, 80486) CPU is present. The result of answering Yes here is a 99/1 probability balance, favoring an AT. The 1% is reserved for the chance that the user has replied improperly, either through not understanding the question, or by not knowing the answer correctly. one CPU over the other, the probability is increased over that calculated simply from the Factor Weights. This mimics expert human behavior in estimating the answer to such a question. We often consider both the number of supporting factors, in addition to their importance in supporting the conclusion. No combination of answers to the five questions can result in a 100% probable answer, since the user has already admitted that they do not know the answer themselves and has asked the system to "guess" at an answer. buttonUp buttonUp more... Don't Know: Hard Disk Speed To determine the average access time for the hard disk, with certainty, you can check the manufacturer's specifications for the particular model, or use a hard disk speed rating program. If you wish, we will assume that your hard disk is of moderate speed, for the purpose of continuing the program. You should, however, confirm the hard disk speed and run the Configuration Guide again. :PHYSSIZE UUUUUUUS """"""" UUUUUUUS UUUUUUuS UUUUUUUS UUUUUUUS "The Configuration Guide cannot proceed without information about the hard disk."\ f"OK" "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp The Configuration Guide cannot proceed without information about the hard disk. wire o with tabs Don't Assume "The speed the hard disk can affect recommendation limited memory." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown The speed of the hard disk can affect the recommendation for use of limited memory. display display display_button 4HardDiskSpeed, HardDiskAssumed, ExtMemAmount hardDiskSpeed ">30" ( = "<256K" buttonUp buttonUp hardDiskSpeed <256K HardDiskSpeed HardDiskAssumed ExtMemAmount Assume display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick The speed of the hard disk can affect the recommendation for use of limited memory.ed memory available...ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue sumed ExtMemAmount "The Configuration Guide cannot proceed without information about the hard disk."\ f"OK" "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp The Configuration Guide cannot proceed without information about the hard disk. wire o with tabs Don't Know: How much Expanded memory To determine the amount of Expanded memory installed in your computer, you can use any one of a number of commercial, shareware or public domain utility programs. Among the commercial products, if you have either Peter Norton Computing's The Norton Utilities or Central Point Software's PC-Tools, these can be used to determine the amount of Expanded memory installed. :PHYSSIZE "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs "A reliable configuration cannot be recommended without knowing the amount Expanded memory available." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown A reliable configuration cannot be recommended without knowing the amount of Expanded memory available. display display display_button display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick A reliable configuration cannot be recommended without knowing the amount of Expanded memory available...ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue Don't Know: How much Expanded memory To determine the amount of Expanded memory installed in your computer, you can use any one of a number of commercial, shareware or public domain utility programs. Among the commercial products, if you have either Peter Norton Computing's The Norton Utilities or Central Point Software's PC-Tools, these can be used to determine the amount of Expanded memory installed. The Configuration Guide cannot continue without this information. display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick A reliable configuration cannot be recommended without knowing the amount of Expanded memory available...ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue Type of CPU: How many function keys are on the keyboard? These may be located across the top, typically labelled F1 through F12, or down the left side and are labelled F1 through F10. 4XTprob, ATprob, FunctionKeys, XTfactor, ATfactor K + .1 P - .1 buttonUp buttonUp XTprob ATprob FunctionKeys XTfactor ATfactor 10 keys 4XTprob, ATprob, FunctionKeys, XTfactor, ATfactor K - .1 P + .1 buttonUp buttonUp XTprob ATprob FunctionKeys XTfactor ATfactor 12 keys "The use extended keyboard (F1 - F12) a good indicator the presence 80286 higher CPU." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown The use of an extended keyboard (F1 - F12) is a good indicator of the presence of an 80286 or higher CPU. display display display_button 4FunctionKeys unknown buttonUp buttonUp unknown FunctionKeys Don't Know :PHYSSIZE display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick The use of an extended keyboard (F1 - F12) is a good indicator of the presence of an 80286 or higher CPU.ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button 4CalcDone enterpage enterpage CalcDone irectory." terbook leavebook enterbook Bookshelf enterbook sizetopage bringWindowToTop leavebook Bookshelf send sizetopage bookshlf.tbk sysWindowHandle toolbook bookshlf.tbk bringwindowtotop bookshlf.tbk bookshlf.tbk bookmark bookshlf.tbk The Bookshelf was not found. Please copy bookshlf.tbk to your current working directory. ToolBook System Configuration Notest Copyright 1990 by Donald G. Roy CONFIG.SYS If you are to run in either Standard or 386 Enhanced mode, make sure that the "device=himem.sys" statement preceeds all other "device=" statements in the file. AUTOEXEC.BAT If you will be using a RAM drive, the "set temp=d:" statement should be changed to point to the letter that is actually assigned to the RAM drive. It would be drive e: if you already have a drive d: Extended Memory If you have less than 2 Mb of total memory (ie: 640K conventional plus 1408K extended), consider upgrading your machine. The increase in performance is worth it. e: if you already have a drive d: Expanded Memory If you have the choice of configuring your memory as either expanded or extended, consider setting it all to extended, unless you have an 80286 CPU and are running DOS programs that require expanded memory. Identification: If you are configuring a number of computers, identify the machine below to avoid confusion: __________________________________________________________________________________________e a drive d: Disclaimer Recommendations made are based on broad experience and good judgement. They should be considered as guidelines for your particular situation. No liability can be accepted for any c) Disclaimer Recommendations made are based on broad experience and good judgement. They should be considered as guidelines for your particular situation. No liability can be accepted for any consequential loss or damage resulting from the use of this Book, under any circumstances. 0 X "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs buttonUp buttonUp About... ns data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button In answer to these criteria: 1) This Decision Guide restricts itself to the domain of proposing suitable computer configurations for optimal operation of Microsoft Windows. Thus it is, indeed, domain-specific. 2) The Decision Guide does use heuristic (common sense) decision criteria. These are employed in the decision areas involving, for example, whether or not to employ RAMDRIVE, and whether or not to use a minimum size parameter for the SMARTDRV driver. Some algorithmic (numerical) decision criteria are used, although they are more implicit than explicit. The Guide could have been coded to make the algorithmic criteria more obvious, but this would serve little beneficial purpose. 3) Performance: Ultimately, this is up to you to decide, however, some of the heuristic criteria would not be obvious to a novice. As a result, there would be a tendency for novices to accept sub-optimal configurations in particular situations. The Decision Guide incorporates these heuristics and will outperform novices in a number of instances.. buttonUp buttonUp Don't Know: Multitasking Needs The most suitable arrangement depends on the mix of applications being used on the particular computer. If the use of Windows applications is important and having the ability to run a few DOS programs is a convenience, then you do not need 386 Enhanced mode. If the ability to do true multi-tasking with DOS programs is highly necessary, then you must use 386 Enhanced mode to do this. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Thank you! Registration Information: If you find this Windows 3.0 Configuration Guide useful or continue to keep it beyond an initial evaluation period of seven (7) days, you are requested to register your copy. The registration fee is $10.00, which can be paid by money order, certified cheque or VISA. Upon registration, you will receive additional, detailed documentation about the logic and decision trees that guide the program, as well as the passwords needed to access Author level with the full version of Asymetrix ToolBook. You can print the Registration Form now, by clicking on the Print button.. buttonup buttonup Return :PHYSSIZE UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW Print Registration "Make sure your printer ready. Press OK now, Cancel stop."\ f"OK" Set PrinterStyle Margins 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440 4Gutters 360, 360 HBorders VArrangement Start Spooler "Would also like providing feedback f"OK" f"OK" 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440 360, 360 buttonUp buttonUp Make sure your printer is ready. Press OK to print now, or Cancel to stop. Cancel Would you also like to print a page for providing feedback to the author? Cancel Make sure your printer is ready. Press OK to print now, or Cancel to stop. Cancel bookshelf bookshelf buttonup buttonup bookshelf "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs buttonUp buttonUp About... Print Conclusion: Use Real Mode The configuration that you have described will only work under the "Real" mode of Microsoft Windows. Real mode is compatible with most applications and device drivers designed for use with Version 2 of Windows. This is also the only operating mode of Windows 3.0 that will run with an 8088 or 8086 based computer, or one with only 640K memory installed. :PHYSSIZE "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs "Windows requires 80286 higher CPU, )least 256K extended memory operate 5mode." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown Windows requires an 80286 or higher CPU, with at least 256K extended memory to operate in a higher mode. display display display_button display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick Windows requires an 80286 or higher CPU, with at least 256K extended memory to operate in a higher mode..ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue "PrintReportFormat" buttonUp buttonUp PrintReportFormat 4OpMode enterpage enterpage OpMode Conclusion: Use Large Page Frame EMS Mode The configuration that you have described will work best under the "Large Page Frame EMS" operating mode of Windows 3.0. Under Large Page Frame EMS mode, Windows will swap application code and data to Expanded memory, allowing you to run different Windows applications at the same time. "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs "Large frame EMS mode allows Windows nprogram code data -emory . Because , you can more easily multiple programs." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown Large page frame EMS mode allows Windows to move program code and data into EMS memory when inactive. Because of this, you can more easily run multiple programs. display display display_button display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick Large page frame EMS mode allows Windows to move program code and data into EMS memory when inactive. Because of this, you can more easily run multiple programs. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue :PHYSSIZE "PrintReportFormat" buttonUp buttonUp PrintReportFormat Print 4OpMode "Large Page Frame EMS" enterpage enterpage Large Page Frame EMS OpMode Indicate Method of Payment: (Do not send cash in the mail.) Date: ________________ VISA card Certified Cheque Money Order Note: VISA registrations are charged in Cdn$. VISA will convert to local currency. VISA Card #: _____________________________________ Name: __________________________________________ Expiry: ____/____ Signature (required): _______________________________ Amount: Registration: ____ copies @ US$ 10.00/Cdn$ 12.00 each = $ ______.00 Disk: Send ____ copies of the latest version @ US$ 10.00/Cdn$ 12.00 = $ ______.00 Indicate: 5 " or 3 " format SubTotal = $ ______.00 Tax: Ontario, Canada residents add 8% PST on SubTotal = $ ______.__ Total enclosed: $ _____.__ Registering your copy will also provide you with detailed documentation about the approach, logic and decision trees behind this Guide, as well as the passwords required to access Author level and File Save in this book. Feedback Form:ration Notest Windows 3.0 Con Windows 3.0 Configuration Guide Any suggestions that you may have to improve the scope and capability of this Guide are appreciated. These may relate either to the Configuration recommendations that result from use of the Guide, or it's simulation of an Expert System. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Please current working directory." rbook Icons leavebook Print About enterbook Bookshelf enterbook sizetopage Save As... Import... Export... Print Pages... Print Report... About ToolBook... Previous History... New Page Search... Topics... Shortcut Keys... Quick Tour... How To use Help... Print Icons About... bringWindowToTop Print Make sure your printer is ready. Press OK to print now, or Cancel to stop. Cancel Icons leavebook About Bookshelf send sizetopage bookshlf.tbk sysWindowHandle toolbook bookshlf.tbk bringwindowtotop bookshlf.tbk bookshlf.tbk bookmark bookshlf.tbk The Bookshelf was not found. Please copy bookshlf.tbk to your current working directory. ToolBook Don't Know: How much Extended memory To determine the amount of Extended memory installed in your computer, you can use any one of a number of commercial, shareware or public domain utility programs. Among the commercial products, if you have either Peter Norton Computing's The Norton Utilities or Central Point Software's PC-Tools, these can be used to determine the amount of Extended memory installed. The Configuration Guide cannot continue without this information. :PHYSSIZE "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs " A reliable configuration cannot be recommended without knowing the installed amount Extended memory.." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown A reliable configuration cannot be recommended without knowing the installed amount of Extended memory.. display display display_button display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick A reliable configuration cannot be recommended without knowing the installed amount of Extended memory..ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue Extended Memory: How much Extended memory is installed in the computer? i.e.: memory beyo < 256K Not Sure 2 meg or more :PHYSSIZE "The amount installed exTended memory can affect the available operating modes Windows." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown The amount of installed exTended memory can affect the available operating modes of Windows. display display display_button display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick The amount of installed exTended memory can affect the available operating modes of Windows.rate fields..ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Extended Memory: How much Extended memory is installed in the computer? (i.e.: memory beyond 640K) 4ExtMemAmount, CPUtype = 80286 buttonUp buttonUp ExtMemAmount CPUtype 256 - 1023K 1024 - 2047K 4ExtMemAmount "256 - 1023K" buttonUp buttonUp 256 - 1023K ExtMemAmount 4ExtMemAmount buttonUp buttonUp ExtMemAmount 4ExtMemAmount, CPUtype "1024 - 2047K" = 80286 buttonUp buttonUp 1024 - 2047K ExtMemAmount CPUtype 4ExtMemAmount, CPUtype "2 meg more" buttonUp buttonUp 2 meg or more ExtMemAmount CPUtype ExtMemAmount CPUtype - 2 meg 256 - 1023K 1024 - 2047K 4ExtMemAmount buttonUp buttonUp ExtMemAmount 4ExtMemAmount buttonUp buttonUp ExtMemAmount 4ExtMemAmount, CPUtype = 80286 buttonUp buttonUp ExtMemAmount CPUtype Conclusion: Use Standard Mode The configuration that you have described will work best under the "Standard" operating mode of Windows 3.0. You should make sure that the line "device=HIMEM.SYS" appears in your CONFIG.SYS file. It is recommended that you consider not using the SMARTDRV disk caching program, since your hard disk is a reasonably fast one. This will leave additional memory free for use by Windows applications.s. Print :PHYSSIZE "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs "You have limited memory hard disk. HIMEM.SYS needed operate Standard mode. If you were install SmartDrive, some additional rwould be consumed. other purposes, such %running a DOS program, multiple Windows applications." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown You have limited memory and a fast hard disk. HIMEM.SYS is needed to operate in Standard mode. If you were to install SmartDrive, some additional memory would be consumed. You may need this memory for other purposes, such as running a DOS program, or multiple Windows applications. display display display_button display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick You have limited memory and a fast hard disk. HIMEM.SYS is needed to operate in Standard mode. If you were to install SmartDrive, some additional memory would be consumed. You may need this memory for other purposes, such as running a DOS program, or multiple Windows applications. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue "PrintReportFormat" buttonUp buttonUp PrintReportFormat 4OpMode, CfgLine1 "Standard mode" "device=himem.sys" enterpage enterpage Standard mode device=himem.sys OpMode CfgLine1 buttonUp buttonUp :PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs "PrintReportFormat" buttonUp buttonUp PrintReportFormat Print display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick ode..ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue "You have enough memory Windows Standard mode hard disk. Since you are a heavy WP/DTP user, RAMdrive will enhance the speed printing tapplications. The TEMP statement tells \instead Tlower "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown You have enough memory to run Windows in Standard mode and a fast hard disk. Since you are a heavy WP/DTP user, RAMdrive will enhance the speed of printing from Windows applications. The TEMP statement tells Windows applications to use the RAM drive instead of the slower hard disk. display display display_button You have enough memory to run Windows in Standard mode and a fast hard disk. Since you are a heavy WP/DTP user, RAMdrive will enhance the speed of printing from Windows applications. The TEMP statement tells Windows applications to use the RAM drive instead of the slower hard disk. Conclusion: Use Standard Mode The configuration that you have described will work best under the "Standard" operating mode of Windows 3.0. You should make sure that the line "device=HIMEM.SYS" appears in your CONFIG.SYS file. It is recommended that you consider using the RAM DRIVE program included with Windows. Place the statement: "device=RAMDRIVE.SYS 1024 /E" following the above statement. As well, place the statement "set temp=d: " in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, where d: is the letter assigned to the RAM drive. 4OpMode, CfgLine1, CfgLine2, AutoLine1 "Standard mode" "device=himem.sys" ramdrive. 1024 /E" temp = d:" enterpage enterpage Standard mode device=himem.sys device=ramdrive.sys 1024 /E set temp = d: OpMode CfgLine1 CfgLine2 AutoLine1 buttonUp buttonUp e"Export..." enterpage Standard mode device=himem.sys device=ramdrive.sys 1024 /E set temp = d: OpMode CfgLine1 CfgLine2 AutoLine1 Dominant Application: Is Desktop Publishing, Word Processing or another "printing intensive" application heavily used on this computer? Not Sure 4DTPdominant, HardDiskSpeed * = "<30 ms" buttonUp buttonUp <30 ms DTPdominant HardDiskSpeed :PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick Memory allocation can be fine tuned for workstations that are heavy printer users..time and rate fields..ld contains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue "Memory allocation can be fine tuned workstations that are heavy printer users." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown Memory allocation can be fine tuned for workstations that are heavy printer users. display display display_button 4DTPdominant unknown buttonUp buttonUp unknown DTPdominant 4DTPdominant, ExtMemAmount, HardDiskSpeed + = "<30 ms" buttonUp buttonUp <30 ms DTPdominant ExtMemAmount HardDiskSpeed wire o with tabs Microsoft Windows 3.0 Configuration Guide Copyright 1990 by Donald G. Roy All Rights Reserved. Version 1.00 Aug.90 All Trademarks acknowledged.... winlogo :PHYSSIZE -Q*$I\ -Y)DT mUUUV {WAHIMk7 iEUEQ A%IU* UUUUw DIUUj K)UUj P!$%UUUUM u*JJI UU)U6 mju_wm I%)"R5N I-UUV I%%$R I%DI)Z I%RMT UUUjUQj d BUUUUkUR PIL%* QJUK[R IV`!R [UUmK[ UmIUU-iZ &JQ$! )T$D%U5 UUUko S*)U* )2I@B mUUKdL* IBKUu U5JUTH )$"U@Q. TVJie VI Ib oHz#]QA mn*LE "}HU_ Z6%"A Y%)_, U+w![@ ](W^H[~ [[QU MU KQT %U }YUU_ KUK!R 4KiUU)!$ -uUU)! mUYU( WRI%$&* HIQUmmZ D]UuU T Uj KX T *HI! %UREh@E3f UJJKT kY]]z [UUik +iu;Z BU,UZ t+A T uq%u_ HRmM Z m+SUS 4CPUtype, EXTmemamount, EXPmemamount, WinAppUse, HardDiskSpeed 4DTPdominant, NeedMulti, XTprob, ATprob, XTfactor, ATfactor, OpMode 4EXTmempresent, HiDensDiskette, TypeofCase, FunctionKeys, UnitAge 4CfgLine1, CfgLine2, CfgLine3, AutoLine1, IsGuessed unknown unavailable buttonUp buttonUp unavailable unknown CfgLine1 CfgLine2 CfgLine3 AutoLine1 IsGuessed EXTmempresent HiDensDiskette TypeofCase FunctionKeys UnitAge DTPdominant NeedMulti XTprob ATprob XTfactor ATfactor OpMode CPUtype EXTmemamount EXPmemamount WinAppUse HardDiskSpeed Continue... (:PHYSSIZE UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUW display display_button UUUUUUUQ UUUUUUUQ UUUUUUUQ UUUUUU UUUUUU UUUUUUUQ UUUUUUUQ :PHYSSIZE 30 ms or less more than 30 ms Not Sure 4HardDiskSpeed, ExtMemAmount ">30 ms" = "256 - 1023K" buttonUp buttonUp >30 ms 256 - 1023K HardDiskSpeed ExtMemAmount Hard Disk Speed: What is the rated average access time (in milliseconds) for the hard disk that is installed??? buttonUp buttonUp buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick The performance rating of the hard drive can affect the decision about the best use of limited memory.s..ld contains data. "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue "The performance rating the hard drive can affect decision about (best use limited memory." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown The performance rating of the hard drive can affect the decision about the best use of limited memory. display display display_button 4HardDiskSpeed unknown buttonUp buttonUp unknown HardDiskSpeed 4HardDiskSpeed, ExtMemAmount "<30 ms" = "256 - 1023K" buttonUp buttonUp <30 ms 256 - 1023K HardDiskSpeed ExtMemAmount cons" X"user" bringWindowToTop( the bookshelf Bookshelf M"bookshlf.tbk" toolbook bringwindowtotop( (bookmark "The was xfound. Please your current working directory." terbook leavebook enterbook Bookshelf enterbook sizetopage Save As... Import... Export... Print Pages... Print Report... About ToolBook... Previous History... New Page Search... Topics... Shortcut Keys... Quick Tour... How To use Help... Icons bringWindowToTop leavebook Bookshelf send sizetopage bookshlf.tbk sysWindowHandle toolbook bookshlf.tbk bringwindowtotop bookshlf.tbk bookshlf.tbk bookmark bookshlf.tbk The Bookshelf was not found. Please copy bookshlf.tbk to your current working directory. ToolBook device=himem.sys device=smartdrv.sys 1024 256 OpMode CfgLine1 CfgLine2 Conclusion: Use 386 Enhanced Mode The configuration that you have described will work best under the "386 Enhanced" operating mode of Windows 3.0. You should make sure that the line "device=HIMEM.SYS" appears in your CONFIG.SYS file. It is recommended that you consider using the SMARTDRV disk caching program. Make sure that the line "device=SMARTDRV.SYS 1024" appears in your CONFIG.SYS file. Do not use a second parameter on this command line to restrict the minimum size of the cache. EM.SYS SMARTDRV 1024 :PHYSSIZE "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs To multitask DOS applications, you must use 386 Enhanced mode. HIMEM is required to operate in 386 Enhanced mode. The use of SMARTDRV will enhanced the performance of disk-intensive operations. A minimum size parameter for the disk cache may restrict your use of 386 Enhanced mode. buttonUp buttonUp display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick "PrintReportFormat" buttonUp buttonUp PrintReportFormat Print display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue "To multitask DOS applications, you must use 386 Enhanced mode. HIMEM required operate +The SMARTDRV will enhanced the performance disk-intensive operations. A minimum parameter 2 cache may restrict your "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown To multitask DOS applications, you must use 386 Enhanced mode. HIMEM is required to operate in 386 Enhanced mode. The use of SMARTDRV will enhanced the performance of disk-intensive operations. A minimum size parameter for the disk cache may restrict your use of 386 Enhanced mode. display display display_button 4OpMode, CfgLine1, CfgLine2, NeedMulti "386 Enhanced mode" "device=himem.sys" smartdrv. 1024" "available" enterpage enterpage 386 Enhanced mode device=himem.sys device=smartdrv.sys 1024 available OpMode CfgLine1 CfgLine2 NeedMulti :PHYSSIZE Print ly designed Wi "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs " The Expanded memory that you have available best fa single ]small frame EMS mode." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown The Expanded memory that you have available is best put to use with a single application by using small page frame EMS mode. display display display_button display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick The Expanded memory that you have available is best put to use with a single application by using small page frame EMS mode. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue Mode The configuration that you have described will work best under the "Small Page Frame EMS" operating mode of Windows 3.0. Suitably designed Windows applications can take advantage of your Expanded memory to store more data (larger spreadsheets, for example) than would be possible otherwise. If neces "PrintReportFormat" buttonUp buttonUp PrintReportFormat 4OpMode "Small Page Frame EMS" enterpage enterpage Small Page Frame EMS OpMode Conclusion: Use Small Page Frame EMS Mode The configuration that you have described will work best under the "Small Page Frame EMS" operating mode of Windows 3.0. Suitably designed Windows applications can take advantage of your Expanded memory to store more data (larger spreadsheets, for example) than would be possible otherwise. If necessary, force Windows to use this mode by typing: WIN /R /E 999 from the DOS prompt...... PrintReportFormat 4CPUtype, EXTmemamount, EXPmemamount, WinAppUse, HardDiskSpeed, DTPdominant 4NeedMulti, OpMode, AUTOline1, CfgLine1, CfgLine2, CfgLine3 4IsGuessed, XTprob, ATprob "CPUconfidence" "CPUfield" &"*" * 100) >=100 %"0" "* "& &" % * 100) >=100 %"0" "* "& "EXTfield" "EXPfield" "DISKfield" "APPfield" "DOSfield" "OPMODEfield" "Cfg1field" "Cfg2field" "Cfg3field" AutoLine1 "AUTOEXECfield" "Make Sure printer ready. Press OK now." "OK" "Cancel" Set PrinterStyle Margins 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440 4Gutters 360, 360 HBorders VArrangement Start Spooler enterpage enterpage CPUconfidence CPUfield CPUconfidence CPUfield % confidence in CPU type * CPUconfidence % confidence in CPU type * CPUconfidence EXTfield EXPfield DISKfield APPfield DOSfield OPMODEfield Cfg1field Cfg2field Cfg3field AutoLine1 AUTOEXECfield Make Sure printer is ready. Press OK to print now. Cancel IsGuessed XTprob ATprob NeedMulti OpMode AUTOline1 CfgLine1 CfgLine2 CfgLine3 CPUtype EXTmemamount EXPmemamount WinAppUse HardDiskSpeed DTPdominant Recommended system configurations for use with Microsoft Windows 3.0 are based on information you have provided about hardware characteristics and intended usage for the target system. Additional information in available in the Windows Users Guide, Chapter 13 "Optimizing Your System". About this system: CPU is: Extended memory: Expanded memory: Hard disk is: WP/DTP dominant: DOS multi-tasking: Recommended Windows 3.0 operating mode is: The following lines should appear in the specific files listed: 8/15/90 System Configuration Report 9:04:346 Copyright 1990 by Donald G. Roy CPUfield 80386+ EXTfield 1024 - 2047Ke EXPfield DISKfield APPfield DOSfield noavailable OPMODEfield Standard modemodeEMS File: CONFIG.SYSTT File: AUTOEXEC.BAT CONFIGfield AUTOEXECfield set temp = d: Cfg1field device=himem.sys' Cfg2field device=ramdrive.sys 1024 /E6 Cfg3field device=ramdrive.sys 1024 /E CPUconfidence * 65% confidence in CPU type ***in CPU type * <30 ms sys 1024 256 Typeofcase FunctionKeys UnitAge display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick Assessment is based on the following factors: 1) Extended memory is absent; 2) High density diskette drive is present; 3) The computer case is an AT type; 4) The number of keyboard function keys is 12 and; 5) The computer is of unknown age.s years old.. display_button "display" B"display_button" B"morewhy" buttondown buttondown display display_button morewhy :PHYSSIZE "Standard" operating mode of Windows 3.0. HIMEM.SYS SMARTDRV 320 256 "wire o ftabs" buttonUp buttonUp wire o with tabs You have sufficient memory to run Windows in Standard mode. HIMEM is required to operate in Standard mode. Without the SMARTDRV disk cache, you may find the speed of Windows unacceptable. display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick Print ntains data. display_button "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown display display_button Continue Conclusion: Use Standard Mode The configuration that you have described will work best under the "Standard" operating mode of Windows 3.0. You should make sure that the line "device=HIMEM.SYS" appears in your CONFIG.SYS file. It is recommended that you consider using the SMARTDRV disk caching program. Make sure that the line "device=SMARTDRV.SYS 320" appears in your CONFIG.SYS file. Do not use a second parameter on this command line to restrict the minimum size of the cache. MEM.SYS SMARTDRV 320 256 "You have sufficient memory Windows Standard mode. HIMEM required operate 'Without the SMARTDRV disk cache, you may find #speed junacceptable." \ "display" B"display_button" buttondown buttondown You have sufficient memory to run Windows in Standard mode. HIMEM is required to operate in Standard mode. Without the SMARTDRV disk cache, you may find the speed of Windows unacceptable. display display display_button "PrintReportFormat" buttonUp buttonUp PrintReportFormat 4OpMode, CfgLine1, CfgLine2 "Standard mode" "device=himem.sys" smartdrv. 320" enterpage enterpage Standard mode device=himem.sys device=smartdrv.sys 320 OpMode CfgLine1 CfgLine2 buttonUp buttonUp 4XTprob, ATprob, EXTmempresent, Hidensdiskette, Typeofcase, CPUtype 4FunctionKeys, UnitAge, XTfactor, ATfactor, CalcDone, ExtMemAmount B"morewhy" # = 0 @ > 1 S * .03)) b < -1 v * .03)) * 100 "8088/6" >= 100 %"0" "xt_probability" * .03)) < -1 * .03)) * 100 "80286" >= 100 %"0" "at_probability" exitpage enterpage exitpage enterpage morewhy 8088/6 xt_probability 80286 at_probability FunctionKeys UnitAge XTfactor ATfactor CalcDone ExtMemAmount XTprob ATprob EXTmempresent Hidensdiskette Typeofcase CPUtype exitpage morewhy Type of CPU: Probability Assessment Based on the information provided, the probability of the CPU in your computer being a particular type is estimated as: 8088/8086 % 80286 or % higherr *0386SX/DX 804866666666 morewhy buttonUp buttonUp Explain further :PHYSSIZE 8 Q < xt_probability 50.00b1 at_probability 5000ob000000000001 4CPUtype, ExtMemAmount, IsGuessed "80286" "We will assume that the computer has 80286 [. Press OK assumption, Cancel f"OK" = "<256K" "8088/6" reasonably safe 8088 8086 CPU. f"OK" "Based on information provided, cannot be identified fsufficient certainty f"OK" buttonUp buttonUp 80286 We will assume that the computer has an 80286 CPU. Press OK to continue with this assumption, or Cancel to end. Cancel <256K 8088/6 It is reasonably safe to assume that the computer has an 8088 or 8086 CPU. Press OK to continue with this assumption, or Cancel to end. Cancel Based on the information provided, the CPU cannot be identified with sufficient certainty to continue. CPUtype ExtMemAmount IsGuessed y to continue. XTprob ATprob CPUtype ExtMemAmount IsGuessed Continue 4EXTmempresent, Hidensdiskette, Typeofcase, FunctionKeys, UnitAge ? = yes "You indicated that Extended memory h. Since 8088 8086 CPU's xsupport 6, the computer must have 80286 higher "display" "Assessment based on Tfollowing factors: 1) & "; 2) High density drive " &HidensDiskette& "; 3) The " &TypeofCase& " type; 4) keyboard function ; 5) & "." \ B"display_button" buttondown buttondown You indicated that Extended memory is present. Since 8088 and 8086 CPU's do not support Extended memory, the computer must have an 80286 or higher CPU. display Assessment is based on the following factors: 1) Extended memory is ; 2) High density diskette drive is HidensDiskette ; 3) The computer case is an TypeofCase type; 4) The number of keyboard function keys is and; 5) The computer is display display display_button EXTmempresent Hidensdiskette Typeofcase FunctionKeys UnitAge display buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick Assessment is based on the following factors: 1) Extended memory is unknown; 2) High density diskette drive is present; 3) The computer case is an AT type; 4) The number of keyboard function keys is 12 and; 5) The computer is less than a year old.ld.years old.. display_button "display" B"display_button" B"morewhy" buttondown buttondown display display_button morewhy System :PRINTLAYOUT `D|D| lvetica `D|D| System `D|D| cDQuGO tFwsxEuq send sizetopage bookshlf.tbk sysWindowHandle toolbook bookshlf.tbk bringwindowtotop bookshlf.tbk bookshlf.tbk bookmark bookshlf.tbk The Bookshelf was not found. Please copy bookshlf.tbk to your current working directory. ToolBook System `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| Windows 3.0 Configuration Guide u`D|D| 4warning "Warning: Editing scripts altering }may disable render inaccurate." \ f"Continue" "Cancel" "Reader" c"Text" e"Save" As..." e"Import..." e"Export..." e"Print Pages..." Report..." e"About ToolBook..." e"Back" e"Last" e"Next" e"Previous" e"History..." e"New e"Search..." e"Topics..." e"Shortcut Keys..." e"How To use Help..." e"Icons" ..." X"user" bringWindowToTop( "Make sure your printer ready. Press OK now, stop."\ f"OK" Set PrinterStyle Margins 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440 4Gutters 360, 360 HBorders VArrangement Start Spooler the bookshelf Bookshelf M"bookshlf.tbk" toolbook bringwindowtotop( (bookmark "The was xfound. Please current working directory." Print reader Icons enterbook leavebook About author Bookshelf reader author Warning: Editing scripts or altering objects may disable this book, or render it inaccurate. Continue Cancel Cancel warning enterbook sizetopage Warning: Editing scripts or altering objects may disable this book, or render it inaccurate. Continue Reader continue Save As... Import... Export... Print Pages... Print Report... About ToolBook... Previous History... New Page Search... Topics... Shortcut Keys... How To use Help... Print Icons About... bringWindowToTop warning Print Make sure your printer is ready. Press OK to print now, or Cancel to stop. Cancel Icons leavebook About Bookshelf send sizetopage bookshlf.tbk sysWindowHandle toolbook bookshlf.tbk bringwindowtotop bookshlf.tbk bookshlf.tbk bookmark bookshlf.tbk The Bookshelf was not found. Please copy bookshlf.tbk to your current working directory. ToolBook